How Do Online Proctored Exams Work?


Exams remotely connected to a proctored online enable candidates for professional testing and students to take exams securely. In some circumstances, the test-taker may use an automated service to finish their online exams. This process is fantastic for those unable to take exams in person.Online proctoring software monitors the testing environment and detects potential cheating or suspicious behavior. A fully designed artificial intelligence with video and audio monitoring is available for these proctored exams (AI). A sophisticated AI-driven system launches the exam. The system then employs aural and visual cues to identify any dishonest behavior a pupil would attempt to exploit to cheat. 

With the inclusion of an online infrastructure to manage all the relevant operations, an online proctored exam is basically identical to any other exam. Invigilation is also crucial since it protects the exam room's integrity. 

The following are the specifications of an online proctored exam:


  • Authentication 

Authentication is the first step of the software. By guaranteeing that students share a screen with voice and video, it verifies examinees' identities and keeps an eye out for suspicious conduct, making impersonation unlikely. Tests can start when proctors have verified the identification of the examinees.


  • Real-time Monitoring

 Monitoring pupils as they take tests is the next step. Algorithms used for proctoring keep an eye on the students and highlight any unusual behavior. The use of unauthorized devices, the presence of another person in the exam room, a student's face being obscured, distracting movements, and other situations are all flagged. The proctor has the discretion to decide what constitutes cheating. 


 Data storage and review 

Administrators have cloud access to the audio and video recordings from the exam that are stored by the exam software. There is less chance that candidates will cheat because the software records all activity for later analysis. It adds a layer of protection to the monitoring system as well. As opposed to living proctoring, which may require more proctors in certain situations, data storage allows proctors to review the recordings at a later time at their convenience, which reduces the number of people needed to supervise the exam.