Time management is an effective way of managing time to reap the most benefits. Time once
lost can never be regained. Hence, it is crucial to be aware of the value of time. Time
management is one of the critical skills a person should develop right from childhood. Breaking
a habit is not easy. Therefore, it is prudent to inculcate the value of time as early as possible.
Students can benefit a lot by learning to manage time to improve their efficiency and efficacy.
Effective utilization of time calls for planning. The first step is to prepare a list of activities to be
accomplished every day. The next step is to prioritize them according to the level of urgency or
importance. Here, one thing to keep in mind is to set the right priority. The third step is to allot
specific time to complete each of those jobs. Finally, evaluate the plan at the end of the day to
analyze how it worked. This helps to plan realistic goals that are sustainable. Nothing gives a
boost to emotions and gives a sense of achievement other than progress in productive work.
One of the essential traits of a successful person is time management. Time management is a
valuable job skill that a potential employer looks for in this competitive world. The aim of time
management is productivity, efficiency and efficacy. The different views on time management
are linear time view, multi-active time view and cyclic time view. Focusing on one specific job at
a time is linear time view. Perspectives on time vary with different cultures. Some countries like
America, Britain, Scandinavia and Austria view time as a limited resource. They have a structure
of doing things one at a time. They do not prefer interruptions and punctuality is encouraged.
Unproductive time is seen as a waste of time in the linear time view. Other cultures such as
South America and few other countries have a different perception of time called the multi-
active view. They are flexible in their schedule. They tend to do multiple things and value
human interactions more than schedules. Asian and African cultures have a cyclic time
perspective. They believe to have plenty of time. Hence, they consider every option to take a
decision that stretches for a long period. This varied concept of time can come in the way of
business relationships when people with different time perspectives do business with one
another. Hence, it is imperative to understand the culture of the place to avoid confusions and
to achieve successful business relationships.